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Member Pages

Thank you to you and your organization for being a member. For your individualized content please click on the image or the name of your facility.

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Welcome to the Phoenix Landing  Member area. Thank you for attending the Zoom webinar on shaping behavior. This is where you will find the resources we talked about during the presentationTo log in click on your logo above and become a member no strings attached. 

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Welcome to the Phoenix Zoo Member area. This is where you will find the slides we will work from during the workshop as well as future resources. This is a new resource so I know your workshop is already done but I wanted to make sure you had access as well. To log in click on your zoo's logo above. 

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Welcome to the Dakota Zoo Member area. This is where you will find the slides we will work from during the workshop as well as future resources.  To log in click on your zoo's logo above. 

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Welcome to the Wildlife World Zoo Member area. This is where you will find the slides we will work from during the workshop as well as future resources. To log in click on your zoo's logo above. 

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Welcome to the Zoo Atlanta "Animal Training Beyond 101" area. This is where you find the PDF's of the  presentations Wouter presented as well as the Zoo Atlanta Team. To log in click on your icon above. 

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Hemker Park and Zoo

Welcome to the Hemker Park and Zoo Member area. This is where you will find the slides we will work from during the workshop as well as future resources. To log in click on your zoo's logo above. 

Welcome to the Healesville Sanctuary  Member area. This is where you find the presentation "Connecting with you Audience"  To log in click on your zoo's logo above. 

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