We had a great converstation today about one of the tools we use so often in training, shaping. This tool we pick up often but like all the other tools we use, we need practice to use it well. We discussed how to use it well and how its our most used skill.
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Updated: Oct 15, 2023
It was great talking to Shane about how we might define cooperative care as well as what it looks like. The dialogue style of training helps us explore what the animals might be telling us with their behavior. What a great opportunity to discuss what we used to call husbandry behaviors.
This episode Wouter Stellaard, Behavior 360 and The Kuzo Group, continues the discussion about Tokitae, the killer whale, and touches on the importance of using data to make informed welfare decisions. Additionally, Wouter discusses the importance of putting the animals' successes first and how we talk and think about training. Tune in for some amazing training stories from Wouter including providing more control opportunities for bears. Â For questions or suggestions about the podcast email abc@theabma.org and to reach Wouter contact email wstellaard@behavior360.com. Â Let's talk some training!
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